
These are links to my podcasts. You download them and you listen to them. Nothing special about it.

Boaster's Spot on ErrorFM 03/16/2008
- Show #1
- First Show, nothing special about it.
- 5 hours of audio, 128 kbsp, 44kHz, 274 MB.

Boaster's Spot on ErrorFM 03/23/2008
- Show #2
- Easter Show, nothing special about it.
- A few songs get played again by mistake, because computers are dumb.
- 3 hours of audio, 128 kbsp, 44kHz, 164 MB.

Boaster's Spot on ErrorFM 03/30/2008
- Show #3
- Third Show, nothing special about it.
- 3:57 hours of audio, 128 kbsp, 44kHz, 217 MB.
- If you listen to this at 120% normal speed, it's pretty neat! But don't take my word for it, take my dump for it!

Boaster's Spot on ErrorFM 04/06/2008
- Show #4
- Fourth Show, nothing special about it.
- 3:01 hours of audio, 128 kbsp, 44kHz, 165 MB.

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